100% Natural

in guinea

the taste
of home



Xtradelice sources its products directly from farmers in Labé, known as the agricultural region of Western Africa Guinée. The farmers here produce a diversity of products, using no fertilizers or pesticides, making the products completely organic. For certain products, such as Fonio and Corn, processing takes place on site to make them suitable for sale. These operations are carried out at a cooperative that employs several women.

Thanks to the direct purchase of these products from farmers in Labé and on-site processing at the cooperative, the income contributes directly to the local community. In doing so, Xtradelice is committed to promoting sustainable and responsible agriculture, helping to strengthen the local economy.

this is us

Fair priced
Biologic food
straight from the source


our products

Below is a sample of our assortment. We continue to discover and innovate which means we will add more products in the future.